
Welcome to 2015! It's January and time to take inventory of what's in your jewellery drawer!

Posted by Michele Maher on 5th Jan 2015

It's a New Year and time for a New You!

writing this on the first day back to school for the kids where we have been hit with a cold front, after one of the mildest Christmas Eve's I can remember, actually the whole break was not very cold at all. So now it's January, cold, dreary and dark, where you want to just stay inside under the covers and hide!............... unless you are lucky enough to be taking a trip down south! 

January is a great month to reflect and reorganize both your life and your closet, it's time to get rid of those clothes that you've been saving in case they come back in style (who are you kidding lol?) and the chance to go through your jewellery drawer and take inventory! do you have the basics? do you have that necessary power statement piece that will make you stand out and get noticed? do you have jewellery pieces that are unique and express your personality and style? 

Let me show you some examples of what I mean.......................

1) The Basics - these will take you everywhere..........from the park with the kids to a night out on the town! and in all silver they will match with everything! will be your go-to when you are stuck and rushing out the door, knowing that you can't go out jewellery-less!

2) The Power Statement - these are what you want to wear when you want to make a statement and get noticed! Special presentation at work to those "higher-ups" where you will have the opportunity to make an impression to land that promotion you are looking for? Special occasion you are celebrating? Party or event where you will have the chance to network with your ideal clients? You need these jewellery pieces for those times!

When I tell people that jewellery will help improve your networking, people usually respond by either a "what?" or they roll their eyes, but just think about it................ when you meet a person for the first time, if they are wearing an unusual or statement jewellery piece will you say something like "oh I love your jewellery" or "where did you get that necklace? or bracelet?, I love it" or a similar statement................ It will make an impression that is memorable, and that is what you want, and it will provide an ice-breaker to start up a conversation, again what you want when networking, you then engage in common conversation with the other person to then establish a connection, and ideally a lasting business relationship, which will then lead to growth in your business! which is what we all want!

So what jewellery is in your drawer? ............and is in time to refresh so that you get noticed?